Sister Act

And I care about you
and your life.

I shall ask Monsignor O'Hara
and Lieutenant Souther...

to filnd a safer and more
suitable situation for you.

Oh, no. Come on.
Don't send me away. Really.

I mean, I'm just starting
to get the hang of this.

I mean, look, I'm not gonna endanger
anyone or anything else.

I swear. What about forgiveness?
Isn't that what you preach?

There's got to be something
around here that I can do...

that's not gonna chip my nails
or annoy anybody.

You're right, Mary Clarence.
To err is human,
to forgive divine.

You may stay.
But I shall restrict your
activities to a single task.

What's that?
You will join the choir.

Choir? No.
You will sleep
and you will sing.

That will be your task
until you leave.

No. Uh, the choir?
I mean, h-h-have you
heard them?

The choir, Mary Clarence.
Is this the choir rehearsal?
It sure is.
Come on in, sing a spell.

- Soprano or alto?
- Whatever.

- Hi, Sister.
- Hello, Sister.

- Hello, Sister.
- 2 1 4.

Crown Him with many crowns
The Lamb upon His throne
-AII kingdoms
-AII kingdoms of the--

Mary Clarence,
are you with us?

I don't know this one.
I-- I better--

I better sit this one out.
Excuse me.

Reverend Mother says Mary Clarence
has a background in music.

Really, Mary Clarence?
Were you a choir mistress?

- Sort of freelance.
- Freelance? Really?
