Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot

There we go.
This and this...

Some of this...
Let's see... A little of that...
That's gonna be good!
Where do they keep the bullets?
Oh, not in there.
What's this little thing here?
Oh, goodness gracious.
Yes, that's where they are.

Okay, we'll wash those too.
This is the way we wash our gun,
wash our gun, wash our gun...

This is the way we wash our gun,
early in the morning.

Going to clean that out
really well. That's fine.

Go ahead, make your bed!
What did you do to my gun?
- Nothing, I cleaned it.

You ruined it!
You took all the bluing off!
Chlorox? Great!
It's going to blow up in my hand now.

Try to do something helpful...
Nice and original.
You get barked at! Come on, Pix!
Mom, I'm sorry. It's an old gun.
I don't use it any more.

- Mom!

Nothing I haven't seen before.
- Would you turn around please?

Both of you!
Pixie and I thought we'd pop
into the station, see where you work.

Oid you cut yourself?
