The Bodyguard

What'd you expect?
I don't know,
maybe a tough guy.

This is my disguise.
His timing's good.
Nicki, Rachel's sister. . .
. . .and secretary.
Nice to meet you.
Tony Scibelli.
Sy Spector, publicist.
Can we get you a drink?
An orange juice.
This is Bill's idea,
a sudden obsession with protecting me.

Tony's done my security.
We're just fine.

Bill's right.
It's time you took more precautions.

I'm sure the number of nuts
writing fan letters. . .

. . .jumps whenever Rachel's
on a magazine.

-Not like this.
-Relax, guys. Relax!

I said I'll do it, so I will.
See what I'm dealing with?

I'll do it, as long as
we understand each other.

-I won't let this alter my life.
-Honey, that won't be a problem.

This household is informal.
We're on a first-name basis.

You'll fit in fine.
You can choose. . .

. . .the alarm system for the house,
improved security for the gate.

What else?
I'm safe when I'm at the house.
The main thing is when I go out.
Tony will fill you in.
Don't fall over me everywhere I go.

Most important:
Fletcher cannot be affected.

We'll tell the boy
you've got another function.

I don't want him to think
he's in prison.

So the estate must not be altered.
-Miss Marron.

There's been a misunderstanding.
If you'll show me the way out,
I'll save us trouble.

You can go by the pool.
Nice meeting you.
