The Hand That Rocks the Cradle

You know, it's a shame Michael's
not here. He's gonna miss it.

What's he doing so late
at the lab anyway?

That's a
good question.

I'm gonna give him
a call.

[ Marlene ]
Randy and Cecie.

[ Michael ]
Dave and Loreeta.

- And Mitch.
- Mitch and the Harrisons.

- Oh, come on.
- They always invite us.

You got a light?
Can't find my lighter.
Marty's gonna throw a fit.

You know, I'm still not sold
on this whole surprise party thing.

- Because of Emma?
- And Claire.

She just hasn't
been herself lately.

How's Peyton doing?
Oh boy,
Peyton's been great.

- Has she?
- I don't know what we
would have done without her.

[ Footsteps ]
- Hi, sweetie.
- Hi.

- How was your night?
- Fine.

Michael, I called the lab.
There was no answer.

I was in one of the rooms
without a phone.

Honey, come on. I didn't mean
to frighten you.

- You been smoking?
- No, I haven't been smoking.

One of the techs was.
Must be in my hair.

Michael, you never let
anybody smoke at the lab.

What is this,
an interrogation?
