The Hand That Rocks the Cradle

She doesn't realize how I've come
through for this family.

You have to tell her,
tell her about us.

There's nothing to tell.
You should leave.

Michael, what are
you saying?

You told me there was
only one woman for you.

I meant Claire,
my wife.

Okay, fine.
I'll just get my baby
and we'll be on our way.

I-- I meant,
I'll just go get my things.

You don't understand.
I mean, leave now.

We'll send your things.
You're right, Michael.
That's best.

Peyton, the keys.
Oh, of course.
I'm sorry.
You've been so kind.

Mommy, Daddy,
what's happening--

Emma, stay there!
[ Peyton ] It's okay, Emma.
Mommy and Daddy want me to leave.

Good-bye, Peyton.
[ Emma ]

[ Claire ]
Call the police!

Claire, calm down.
You don't know
what she's capable of!

We have her keys!
I think she rigged
the greenhouse for me!

All right,
get the kids' things.

- We'll go to a hotel.
- Go upstairs, sweetheart.
