The Muppet Christmas Carol

Put me out! Put me out! Put me out!
Put me out! Put me out! Put me out!

- Rizzo!
- What?

- Th-Th-Thank you.
- You're welcome.

There he is.
old Fozziwig himself.

Look. My lads.
dusk has fallen.

The lamplighters are at work.
It's Christmas Eve for certain.

What an employer he was.
As hard and as ruthless
as a rose petal.

It's time for the party to begin!
It's the Fozziwig Christmas party.
Rizzo. Come on!
Rizzo. Just grab hold of the stick.
Merry Christmas!
- Merry Christmas.
- Thank you. Thank you.

Excuse me. Everyone.
C-Can we have some quiet. Please?

I suppose I should
be grateful for that.

You're welcome.
Please. Can I have your attention
for a moment?

Look. It's the Marley brothers...
my old partners as they were as lads.
Can I have your attention. Please?
- Thank you.
- That's better.

Welcome to Fozziwig and Mom's
annual Christmas party.

At this time in the proceedings.
it is a tradition for me
to make a little speech.

And it's a tradition for us
to take a little nap.

Pay no attention to them.
My speech.

Here is my Christmas speech.
"Thank you all.
and Merry Christmas."

- That was the speech?
- It was dumb!

- It was obvious!
- It was pointless!

It was short.
- I loved it!
- I loved it!

I'm bored with speeches.
Let's dance. Son.

Hey. Here's Mrs Fozziwig
to start the party.
