The Muppet Christmas Carol

It's going home
and getting warm by the fire

It's true
wherever you find love

It feels like Christmas
It's true
wherever you find love

It feels like
It feels like Christmas
It feels like Christmas
It feels like Christmas
Spirit. I had no idea.
I wish to see friends. Kin.
Show me family.

It's... It's Fred.
My dear nephew Fred and his wife Clara
having Christmas with friends.

- Hey. Iook! Fruit!
- Well. There now!

We've had the plum pudding and sung
the carols.

- What now. My lovelies?
- A game. Fred.

Yeah. We must have
a game at Christmas.

- Do people play games at Christmas?
- I love games!

Say. Do you know
that fruit is wax?

Oh. Yeah.
I wondered about the texture.

- Let's play "Yes and No."
- A wonderful game!

- Oh. Yes!
- Ah! That's a great game! I'll be it.

Yes. Let Fred be it.
He always thinks of good things.

I do have a good one. Clara.

- Is it vegetable?
- No.

- Mineral?
- No.

- Animal. Then?
- What else?
- What else. Indeed!

- Is it found on a farm?
- Never.

- In the city?
- Usually.

- Does it pull a hansom cab?
- Certainly not!

How about a dog?
- No.
- A cat?

- A cat?
- I said it first.

Wait. Then.
Is this an unwanted creature?

- Often.
- A mouse.

- No.
- A rat.

- You called?
- A cockroach.

- No.
- A leech.

- Oh. Dear. It's too wonderful.
- Wait! Wait! I know!
