Under Siege

He had an extremely distinguished
career until Panama. . .

. . .when most of his team died
due to poor intelligence.

Ryback's a warrior. The best there is.
When he got back from Panama,
he punched his officer in charge.

Adams took him on as a cook
so he could finish his 20.

Hold it. Just hold it.
What if this toad, Zwieback,
or whatever his name is, is right. . .

. . .and the missiles are offloaded
before the SEAL team gets there?

There is no way for Mr. Strannix
to get past us.

We have AWAC surveillance
and SOSUS in Honolulu. . .

. . .tracking every ship and sub at sea.
They leave the Missouri,
they're ours.

How do we know that Honolulu
isn't his next target?

Tell me that.
Take a look at this.
-Know what all those lights are for?
-I've been trained.

You can fly that helicopter?
Then we can get out of here, right?
Here's the MP5K.
When the dot's on target,
what you see is what you get.

I told you I don't like guns.
I know. Neither do I.
Now get back under there.
These things are going to sell
like hot cakes!

