
Unarmed, my ass!
Christ, it's hot!
If I'm going to get shot,
I'd rather it was hot than cold.

Everything hurts me more when it's cold.
You know how if you hit your--

Shut up, Fatty!
Clyde's back.
-With Little Bill?

-You clean my Remington?
-Cleaned and loaded.

Where's Little Bill?
Building his damn porch.
Building his porch?
If you got shot,
would you want it to be hot or cold?

I ain't going to get shot.
He's coming?
Of course he's coming.
I just loaded that.
I trust nobody loading my guns
if I'm shooting.

What'd he say?
Little Bill said
he was building his porch.

-You seen that thing?
-It was all loaded.

Clyde, you got three pistols
and you only got one arm!

I don't want to get killed
for lack of shooting back.

He don't have a straight
angle on that whole porch!

Or the whole house, for that matter!
He is the worst damn carpenter.
He didn't say nothing?
Asked what they looked like.
Maybe he's tough but he
sure ain't no carpenter.

Maybe he ain't so tough.
Seem like he was scared?
Little Bill? Him scared?
We never seen him up
against any like these ones.

Little Bill come out of
Kansas and Texas, boys.

He worked them tough towns.
Just wondered.
Anybody could be scared.
