Universal Soldier

This is Veronica Roberts
reporting live for CNA.

- And we're out.
- See? What'd I tell ya?
No problem.

No problem? This network
does not revolve around you.

Well, what are you saying,
Charles, I'm not the center
of the universe? Is that it?

- Don't crack wise with me.
- Come on, lighten up, Charles.

I mean, okay, I don't play
the game by your rules, but
I always get you the story.

You think just because
you broke a few stories
that you're indispensable.

Well, I had a little chat
with the network today,

- and you know what. Ronnie?
- No, what, Chuck?

You're fired.
They're entering
the drain-off tunnels.

GR13, take aim
and hold fire.

- Checkpoint one, all clear.
- Checkpoint two, all clear.

GR44 is in position.
Take aim. Fire.

Move in and secure
the objective.

Clear that
image up.

Clear it.
Got it.
Interceptors are
secured and powered.

- Begin playback.
- Playback.

- Rolling.
- Checkpoint one, all clear.

Checkpoint two, all clear.
Checkpoint three, all clear.
They're buying it.
Who the hell
are these guys?
