Universal Soldier

Jesus. No casualties
or injuries, huh?

Power up the cooling generators
on the flotation chamber.
He's almost ready.

You got it.
- He's ready. Yes, sir.
- Bring him in. Thank you.

Prepare for flotation
chamber entry.

Colonel, we've spotted
an intruder.

Who the fuck is that?
She's takin' pictures.

- Huey!
- Oh. shit. What the hell
has she done this time?

Start the car!
I think now would be
a good time to leave, Huey.

- What'd you get?
- Redemption.

Let's get outta here.
- Shit. Watch out!
- Look what you're doin'.

D'you think we lost 'em?
How ya doin'?
Uh, Veronica Roberts,
uh, uh, CNA.

You wanna help me out?
Thank you. Thank you very-
Hey, hey, hey! Easy!

- Take it easy, man.
- Ow! Oh!
