Unlawful Entry

Put your hands out.
Do you think l could get him
to use those on me?

There you go.
You're under arrest, Matthew!

Hi. I couldn't go without saying thanks
for letting me impress the kids.

- It was a lot offun.
- Penny really set it up.

Yeah, l talked to Penny before.
I'd like to apologise for the other night.
- Michael's behaviour...
- It took me by surprise.

He invited me and kicked me out.
I would never have come.

Pete, it's not you, it's him.
He's not been himself lately.
Would you like to go get a cup of coffee?
I... don't go on for a while.
I don't think it's such a good idea.
Come on, you're safe with me.
I'm a cop, remember!

- Just for a little while?
- Yeah. Just...

Is everybody in here a cop?
Yeah, pretty much.
About a year ago,
some jerk came in here

and tried to rip this place off!
When he finally come
crashing through the skylight,

I say, "How's your dick?"
I'm sorry. We should go somewhere else.
- No, this is great.
- Really?

I think it's really nice you've got a place to go.
I'd like one. Just...
This is...
This is my least favourite time ofthe day.
- Why?
- Erm...

I guess it's getting dark out
and Michael's not home yet.

How did you and Michael get together?
- I was a waitress in his first club.
- Really?

- You were a waitress?
- It was the firstjob l ever had.

The first one l needed.
We were kind ofwell off.
My father, as it turned out,
had sort of gambling problems.
