A Bronx Tale

Come on, let's go. Move. Upstairs.
I'm not in the mood for steak.
Oh, you're not in the mood
for steak, huh?

You know how many times I have to
drive that bus so we can eat steak?

-Who told you that?

Nobody. I counted.
Your father wants to talk to you.
About what, Dad?
You were by the bar today.
I wasn't by the bar.
-Tell the truth.
-I was by the bar.

-Why d'you lie?
-I took a shot.

-Do something.
-Like what? He took a shot.

-Nice try, son.
-Thanks, Dad.

Lorenzo, come on, please.
How do I stop him?
The bar's two doors away.

Daddy's right, listen to him.
-You should shut up.
-Gimme your plate.

I want you to listen to me. Hey!
Do not go near the bar.
Stay by the stoop, not the bar.
-One day you'll understand.

You don't see me there.
-You're not allowed there either?
-What do I do?

Hey, I don't know.
I'm kidding. I won't go to the bar.
Look, two tickets, Yankee Stadium,
centre field.

-Behind The Mick?
-Yes. Now eat your steak.

Let's go, Alfie.
'That's Phil the Peddler.'
'He'd call everybody Mary,
and me and my friends would
love to break his balls.'

'Slick and Crazy Mario were
my best friends.'

'Slick got his name cos of his hair.
Mario got his cos he was just crazy.'

I'll kick your fucking asses,
you bunch of Marys!

Stay away from the fruit!
