A Bronx Tale

I never hated you. I guess it's just...
I was just mad at you because
you made him grow up so fast.

May God have mercy on your soul.
I'll wait over here.
Sonny, did you hear that?
My father didn't hate you.

Nobody cares, huh?
You were wrong about that one.
Wasted talent.
See you around, Sonny.
Let's go home, C.
'Sonny and my father always said,
when I got older I would understand.'

'Well, I finally did.'
'I learnt something.'
'I learnt to give love,
and get love unconditionally.'

'How to accept people
for what they are.'

'And I learnt the greatest gift of all -
the saddest
thing in life is wasted talent,

and the choices that you make
will shape your life forever.'

'But you can ask anybody,
and they'll just tell you,
this is just another Bronx tale.'

# On the streets of the Bronx
# Is where I wanna be
