A Perfect World

... he'd have a rap sheet as long
as your arm within a year.

Gatesville isn't so bad.
I've known kids there
who straightened up.

One even became a priest.
I don't get it.
Well, you don't get it.
In T exas, the bottom line is who
you know and what they owe you.

That's how I do my job.
It's how you got your job.

You are tough, aren't you?.
I bought that judge a T -bone,
and I told him to send the boy up.

I told him it was
the right thing to do.

The judge went with me,
right down the line.

Butch. Come on, Butch.
Butch, wake up!
I didn't mean to scare you.
I work at night. Cooler.
Your car break down?.
No, me and my boy was just catching
some shut-eye in your field.

Oh, I don't own it.
I just work it for Mr. Andrews.

Where you all from?.
Drove from T exarkana yesterday.
