A Perfect World

-Goddamn, how many RCs did you drink?.

Adler, if we get a clean shot,
can we take it?

Red, if they get a clean shot,
should they take it?.

I don't want any half-ass sergeant
taking a potshot with a deer rifle.

-Right thing to do, he's got the boy.
-You figure he'll just give up.

-Maybe, maybe not.
-Well, now, there's a safe bet.

Well, he's better off now
than he was.

That third eye Pugh is sporting
in the morgue speaks otherwise.

Then why not just shoot to kill?.
Now, there's a brainstorm.
The roadblock's got
the stolen vehicle's license.

-You still want to go to the farm?.
-Yeah. Yeah, I got a hunch.

Never met a brown-eyed Phillip before.
-Who are you named after?.
-My daddy.

-You and your old man get along?.
-Yes, sir.

T oss the ball around,
play grab-ass in the yard?.

No, sir.
Why the hell not?.
He ain't around, really.
Well, he is or he ain't.
When's the last time you saw him?.
Me and you got a lot
in common, Phillip.

The both of us is handsome devils.
We both like RC Cola.
