A Perfect World

I'd rather go as Cinderella
or Peter Pan.

Peter Pan's a boy.
Tinkerbell's a girl.

-Phillip could go as Peter Pan.
-Phillip could go as a bump on a log.

-Why can't we just go once?
-Because we just can't, okay?

Our personal beliefs lift us
to a higher place.

-I'll get it.
-You got it last time!

Trick or treat!
I'm sorry, we don't take
no part in Halloween.

Excuse me?
We're Jehovah's Witness.
-Hey, Phillip Perry.
-Hey, Billy Reeves.

How'd you know it was me?
Come on, go eat your supper.
Come on, kids, let's go
to the next house.

Sorry for the bother.
-Evening, Larry. Forget something?
-Need to take some work.

-When are we gonna grab a cold one?
-Sooner the better!

-Hey, daddy!

-You sure this goes on up to the vents?
-It used to, in the old days.
