A Perfect World

So that's my answer?
This is your first time in the field?
I thought so.
What was you expecting anyway?

You think I'm some dumb schoolgirl. . .
. . .who's wandered
into the boys' locker room?

You're wrong. I don't mean to boast. . .
. . .but I happen to be one of the two
most intelligent people in this fiasco.

I didn't ask that.
I asked what you're expecting.

I expected to be allowed to do the
job assigned to me by the governor.

I like the governor. He and I go
quail hunting at least once a year.

But he knows that win, lose or draw,
this is my ship. Understand?

Yeah, I got that.
You know what that is? That's anarchy.

And I call that horseshit,
to use a cowboy colloquialism.

No, I'll tell you what's horseshit.
Horseshit is responsibility.

That's the guy
who has sleepless nights and ulcers.

If this thing goes bloody,
the governor, he loses a few votes.

Me, I'm the one who. . . .
I'll tell you what. You see me making
a wrong move, go ahead and speak up.

I might not agree, but I'll listen.
As for wounded pride, I'll buy
all the drinks when this is over. . .

. . .but right now I got better things
to think about. That fair?

-Good. So who's the other one?
-Other one?

You're one of the two brains.
Who's the other?

Haynes. We tested him in prison.
Thank you.
