A Perfect World

Lots and lots of stuff.
Reach in that glove box there.

See if Bob's got a notepad
or something.

Good old Bob.
-Can you write?
-I can print.

Good enough.
Make a list of everything you ever
wanted to do but wasn't allowed to.

Like what?
Like. . .
. . .cotton candy.
Cotton candy.
Hell, I don't know, it's your list.

How do you spell "rocket ship"?
I'll let those fellas
get a little more shut-eye.

A few more hours of it, anyway.
We'll get the patrol cars in
the morning and head up the Panhandle.

Does that bring back any memories?
You got a file on me too?
Hey, it's the '60s, Red.
They got a file on everybody, right?

Just because it's written down,
that don't mean it's true.

True, absolutely.
But you did work as county
sheriff in Amarillo and Austin. . .

. . .before you became a Ranger.
Right so far?
Haynes' juvenile court record
lists you as amicus curiae:

Evidence given by a non-party with
the intention of swaying the judge.

Usually it comes in written form,
but there was no copy attached.
