Babylon 5: The Gathering

A man named Del Varner
offered to cover my bets.

Now there's a criminal,
if you're looking for one.

He promised to back my bets,
then pulled out...|...after I had run up quite a bill.

He's here if you want to see him.
He's right over there, in the checked coat.
Can anyone confirm your story?
Yes. The new telepath, Lyta Alexander.
I saw her talking to Varner
shortly after you left.

Thank you.
Put it on his tab.

Who'd want to kill the Ambassador?
Mr. Garibaldi...
:34:43's a big universe.
If I knew who did it, I'd tell you.
I'm not here to make trouble.
Do you know why I am here?
I'm here...
:34:57 grovel before
your wonderful Earth Alliance...

:35:01 the hopes of attaching ourselves
to your destiny.

What are those fish called on your planet
that attach themselves to sharks?

You make very good sharks, Mr. Garibaldi.
We were
pretty good sharks ourselves once...

...but somehow...
...along the way...
...we forgot how to bite.
There was a time...
...when this whole quadrant
belonged to us.

What are we now?|Twelve worlds and a thousand monuments
to past glories...

:35:42 off memories and stories...
...selling trinkets.
My God, man...
...we've become a tourist attraction.
See the great Centauri Republic...
