Bai fa mo nu zhuan

Brother, no point licking all over her
Her heart is already somebody else's
You picked a junk
I've been your twin for such a long time
and you don't even know
a female's normal reaction

You're getting out of your mind
Have you given it to others?
Did you follow that Wu Tang scoundrel
when you last disappeared?

He's not a scoundrel! He's Cho Yi-hang
What has he given you?
A name
I'm now Lien Ni-chang, not a wolf girl
Everybody should've a name on birth
Brother, what a common name
So she wants only to be a common person
Lien Ni-chang
You want to be a common person
Now leave the cult like a commoner
Uncle Kuei then became...
a General he dreamt of
Only then did I sense the meaning of
what he said to me in Shanhaikwan
Never expected that a hero that claimed
to wipe out foreign tribesmen

would've let the Ching troops in
at this juncture
