Born Yesterday

Uncle Harry, we gotta be
at the Duffees' at seven o'clock.

Is that Alex Duffee,
the Secretary of the Navy?

- JJ, would you get my briefcase?
- Sure, Ed.

Sorry about the blow-up.
Short fuse.

But I like talking to you.
You make me laugh.
Finally, a purpose in life.
- How about you working for me?
- Harry, I don't think...

Did I ask you?
- Let the man answer.
- What would I do?

What do you care?
We'll find something for you.

I don't think so, Mr Brock.
Thanks for the offer.

- See you around, pal.
- Sure.

Not a bad guy for an egghead.
Send him a gift, a pen or something.

You pissed at me?
You don't look right.
Want an aspirin?

No, Harry, I'm fine.
Considering I've been dead for 12 years,
I feel great.

Now with your abdominals
contracted, buttocks tight,

you're going to be lifting the leg,
starting with the contraction.

Here you go. And... contract.
And lift it. CP, OK?
CL, contract and lift.
Contract and lift...

- Tomorrow, we meet the lobbyists.
- I want congressmen... Billie!

Hurry up. We're going down.
Meet you in the car.

JJ'll wait.
I can't just phone Congress...
I leveraged my ass
to build Brock Village.

If that base closes, I'm looking at
four million square feet of squat

and I'm signing Chapter Eleven papers.
