Born Yesterday

Harry's right.
You're the one who did it.

I still don't know anything,
only now nobody can tell.

But Paul, there was one time,
right in the middle,

when I was saying something
and everybody was looking at me,

like I knew what I was talking about!
And I liked it so much!
Did you teach me to cheat
cos you think I can't learn?

Oh, God, Billie, no!
I... I just didn't think
you were so serious about it.

I'm kind of surprised myself.
I've been thinking a lot
about something my dad used to say.

"Without knowledge,
you are less than everybody."

And I don't want to be less.
I don't want be better than anybody

and I don't want to go above myself.
I just want...
I want to not be less.
Well, I'm afraid
it's too late for that.

Cos you're already
more than most people.

Well, here we are.
See you tomorrow?
So, how are we gonna smarten me up?
Well, we aren't gonna do it.
You're gonna do it.
It's your battle.

It's up to you.
Good night.
