Bound by Honor

Where the fuckyou get that placa,
Little Bo Peep?

Hey, Cinderella,
go find yourselfa fella.

You're on the clock, bitch,
and midnight is comin'.

You got the wrong man.
Oh, he's hot!
- Miklo Velka.
- Soy Popeye.

¿:Conocesa micarnalito,
Chuey Savedra?

¿:EI Chuey, Chuey?
There's some vatos you should meet.
Most ofthese cons don't clique.
They'rejust fillin' space,
doin' time.

It's the gangs
that run this place.

- What you got?
- See that black dude
with the comb over there?

That's Bonafide.
He runs the BGA...

the Black Guerilla Army.
Don't take nothin' from him,
oryou'll end up...

with that Black Power comb
through your heart.

Those polar bears over
in the corner, that's Aryan Vanguard.

The AV-ers. Those white boys
control the dope trade...

do freelance killings,
anything for the right price.

I'm about finished waitin'
for my money, punk.

Hey, why not
take it out in trade?

You always liked Tinkerbell.
She's fine.

You bet cash, you lose cash,
you pay cash, pimpmobile.

Soon, or I'll have to hire
Red Ryder here and his AV boys...

to cut some fat off
that tongue ofyours!

Or maybe you'd like to swap for
some ofthat tender white meat.

You can pay your bets with that.
Suave, Al.
I'll pay you what I owe,
but don't try scaring me...

with your AV insurance
policy 'cause remember...

I got a policy with Ryder too.
He knows better than
to mess with a good customer.

Since business is so good, I suppose
I'm gonna have to raise the rents...

on both you lame-ass fucks!
Fuck him.
Ya estuvo, Beto. It's over.
