Bound by Honor

Chicanos killing Chicanos
is what they want.

Blacks and Chicanos killing
each other is what they want.

That's how they run this place.
Once we get together,
they don't run shit.

You got a lot to learn
about being Chicano, güero.

I'm no lightweight, and the colour
of my skin shouldn't keep me out.

White is the enemy.
White's the system.

You're stuck in the middle.
All my fuckin' life
I've been kept out.

You know what that feels like?
Knowing you're a Chicano...

and no one accepts you
'cause your skin came out white?

My mom's as brown as you are...
and my white dad tried to beat
every ounce of her outta me.

But you know what?
He couldn't do it.

Chicano's not a colour. It's the way
you think and the way you live.

And ifyou're willing to give up
your life for a carnal.

I'm here to do that.
Use me. Use this.

You said it.
Everything's based on colour, right?
I can get places you can't
'cause my skin's white on the outside.

But I'm brown on the inside,
to the bones.

The only way into La Onda is
to take down one ofour enemies.

In your case, it would
have to be somebody big.

Someone who we can't hit without
losing a lot of carnales.

Gimme a chance!
Trust me.Just one chance!

Respect is everything, güero.
You ready to die for it?

Blood in, blood out.
