Bound by Honor

Hey, baby, let's take care
ofthe deal first, okay?

What's the matter?
Too much foryou?

No, I just like business
before pleasure.

- He's a fucking cop!
- Rollie, get in here now!

You son ofa bitch!
You killed my baby! My--
- Oh, it's PCP! Don't breathe!
- Motherfucker! Get this shit offof me!

Oh, shit! We gotta get you
to the hospital. No, no, no.

Get me a hose! We gotta wash
this stuffoff. Don't breathe!

- Shit. It's a bust, ese.
- God damn it.

We lost the fucking lab
and Clavo's money.

That pinche loan shark's gonna shit!
How we gonna pay him back now?

- We lost everything.
- Mira, mira, there's Carmen, eh.

- Come on, man. Turn around.
- Who's that?

- What?
- Hey, she's signalling someone, man!
- Hey, hey, Paco, get back here!

- We gotta wash that stuffoffyou!
- Draw in the perimeter!

- Wilson, call it in!
Block Mario in on the radar!
- Police! Stop the car!

Pull over the fucking car!
Stop the car.
Put your hands on the steering wheel
right now and keep your hands up!

- Let's go. Out ofthe car.
- Careful, careful.

- We're taxpayers, Officer McCann.
- You turn around.

You two, out ofthe car.
Orale, that's a nice placa
you got there, ese.

You should be riding with me,
not fucking with me, carnal.

Don't you call me carnal, you piece
ofshit. I'm not your brother.

Scumbags like you
are killing offour kids.

You should get some clothes on,
Officer, before you get arrested
for indecent exposure.

- What an example to set for the kids.
- Listen, you motherfucking rat punk!

I'm gonna put you and your rat clica
back in thejoint, you hear me?

- You keep talking. You keep talking!
- All right, all right, Paco.

- Let's-- Hey! Let's go.
- Check the trunk.

- Put some clothes on, man.
- Hey, you got a warrant?

-Check that trunk.
-What do you thinkyou are, bulletproof?

- God damn it. Check it, Rollie.
- Check the trunk.
