
I just don't feel that way.
Not anymore.
Because things aren't fine.
We've got so many problems,
we don't want to look at them anymore.

They blend together into a big noise...
...and soon we can't hear ourselves think.
But that's not even the worst part.
The worst part is...
...we feel we can't do anything about it.
And that's a tragedy...
...because we can.
We don't know where to start;
maybe that's what it is.

But I have an idea...
...of where we can start.
From today...
...l'm making it the responsibility
of this government...

...to find a job for every American
who wants one.

Have you seen the look
in someone's face...

...the day they finally get a job?
I've had some experience with this.
They look like they could fly.
And it's not about the paycheck.
It's about looking in the mirror...

...and knowing you've done
something valuable with your day.

And if one person could start
to feel that way, then others....

Soon all these other problems
we're facing may not seem so...

You don't know what you can do
until you...

...stand up and decide to try.
That's it. Let's get to work. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. President.
In the boldest initiative yet
of the new Mitchell administration...
