
...the president has proposed
a full employment program...

...unparalleled since the days of FDR.
The proposal brought swift reaction,
here on Capitol Hill.

The president's on the right track.
We should be putting people to work.

It's better to have people working
than collecting welfare checks.

We're carrying the water for him.
I've carried a lot of water for him.

And then now to say this.
The guy's out to lunch.
The lights are on but no one's home.
I love it. It's great. All we've gotta do is
cut ''Star Wars'' and we can pay for it.

I want to look at Mitchell's proposal
to see how he intends to pay for it.

It's like the program I presented
when I ran for president four years ago.

Has the president taken leave
of his faculties? I'm asking you.

It's the definition of modern leadership.
You set out a bold goal
and you don't say how you'll do it.

They tried this in Russia
and wrecked the country.

I wonder if the Communists got to him?
If you look at a photo of Mitchell...
...taken before the stroke and one after,
you will see distinct differences.

Are you saying this is a conspiracy?
Yes, I am saying it's a conspiracy.
Do you think you're a bit paranoid?
Have you compared the photographs?
This is crazy.
The ''US News'' hammered us, but they're
always tough. Rosenthal loved us.

That's good.
Mr. Nance is waiting for you.
-The vice-president.

The vice-president.
Nance. I thought--
I want my ears checked.
