Dazed and Confused

- [ Chuckles ]
- Get off my case, man.

Oh, man.
Chicks don't wanna hear that shit.

They don't wanna
hear anything, man.

The girls, man, in our classes,
they're all prudes.

- Worthless little bitches, man.
- Oh, my God.

The girls ahead of us were wild.
Our class is worthless, man.

Maybe you've never got past
the sniffin'-butt stage.

Hey, man, it's,
it's quality not quantity.

And wait 'til I get
to college, man.

- I can't wait to get to college.
- Yeah, when I get to college,

all I'm gonna do is
bang, bang, bang, bang!

[ "Love Hurts" By Nazareth ]
Ooo-hoo, love hurts
I'm yours
I know
But even so
- I know I've been
- Hey, Hirschfelder, let's go.

- [ Continues ]
- Let's go. Let's get outta here.

- Let's go.
- Come on, man.

All right.
- It's time to leave.
- I'll be right back.

Really learned a lot
Love is like a flame
that burns you--

Hey. You boys leave,
you can't come back.

Aw, gee.
You hear that?

If we leave,
we can't come back.

Oh, no!
What should we do?

[ Sighing ]
What the hell are we doing?
I was gettin' there.

- Man, I had my hand up her shirt.
- Oh.

You were gettin' there?
You hear that?
He was gettin' there.

You wouldn't know what to do if you had
gotten there, so don't worry about it.

- Just 'cause you guys are striking out--
- Grow up, boy!

- That was our last junior high party.
- That's right.

We're in the big time now.
We're freshmen, where all
the girls'll be puttin' out.

Your days of lyin' around
and pullin' tongue all night are over.
