Dennis the Menace

Girls. Now...
Let's go!
You know,
I was unbeatable at hide-and-seek.

Hiding or seeking?
Both. I had a nose for hiding places.
I wouldn't think you'd be much good
at hiding.

Why not?
Werert you a fat boy?
I was husky.
Ready or not, here I come!
I see Joey and Mike!
Run, Mikey!
He's cheating.
What are you doing?
Dennis is cheating.
He's using the Beckman kid as a spy.

Leave them alone, George.
I'll even things up.
Gunther, I'm just talking to your daddy
on the telephone.

He's going to the ice-cream store.
He wants to take you with him.

Hurry up and go home!
Now it's fair.
You lied to a toddler, George.
Think how disappointed he will be
when he gets home.

He better get used to it. Disappointment
will be a big part of his life.

He's a foot short for his age.
And he's cross-eyed.
