Falling Down

-You come home then.
-I can 't.

It's your last day.
What are they going to do, fire you?

There's a lot of red tape.
As soon as I get done, I can go home.

I'll call you in a while, okay?
Wait a minute. Make a list.
-A list?
- We need boneless chicken...

. . .skinless. Red peppers. . .
...not green, red.
Honey, hold on one second.
I am tying up the phone here.
Just listen for once in your life.
A girl at the drive-by said
a man in a shirt and tie...

. . .attacked her homeboys
with a baseball bat.

Somebody's let that dog off the leash.
I think you've got last-day-itis.
This man was not swinging a bat.
He has a gym bag full of guns.

A gym bag?
You asked me to tell you
what he wore. I gotta run.

We have to canvas the neighborhood.
One more second.
Please. It's important.
- Why don 't you go to the store?

It's my last day.
The guys might want to have
a send off or something.

What' re they gonna do?
Get some broad. . .

... with tassels dangling,
dancing on your desk?

Course not.
Look, while you have
been playing cop. . .

. . .I' m at home
planning your retirement.

It's over. The sooner
you get that, the better.

You are no longer
in the law-enforcement business.

Now, I will expect you
at the usual time. Capito ?

Sandra, are you mad at me?
-I hate you, but I' m not mad.
-You retiring too?

Just don't leave
without saying goodbye.

If you go up against this guy. . .
. . .be careful.
