Fong Shi Yu II: Wan fu mo di

1. Thou shalt not betray the Chief!
2. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
3. Thou shalt not steal...
4. Thou shalt not gamble.
l was just trying to save the kid.
l've done nothing wrong.

l don't wanna listen to these.
8. Thou shalt not insult the Chief.
9. Thou shalt no seduce
your brother's wife.

10. Thou shalt not conspire
against others.

You must remember these Ten Commandments.
They sound very familiar
to the Ten Commandments of the Bible.

Oh, the Old Mr. Yu was a religious man.
That's why he adopted these
as our regulations.

No one can ever carry them out.
Not even Jesus!
You son of a bitch!
You're insulting my father!
He's just a kid!
Let him go!
So he's a kid!
That's why Chan Jialuo
asked you to teach him, right!

lt's just too obvious that
he wants to protect him.

You're the one that's obvious.
You're simply jealous of Chief.
Sai Yuk, keep it down! Safety first!
Don't think that you're Chen's godson
and you can act outrageous.

l'm acting outrageously
not because l'm Chen's godson...

it's simply because...
l'm me!
What arrogance!
Well then, let's see
if you're worth your name.

