Fong Shi Yu II: Wan fu mo di

Why do you laugh, Sai Yuk?
Because he did. l laughed louder.
49 means the greenest member
in the organization.

- What's your number, then?
- Zero!

My number is bigger that yours.
Have you forgotten what l told you?
Value your life.
l just want to buy a scarf for my fiance.
Don't worry!
Thank you.
My dear!
This is a traditional custom
for a first timer.

lt'll bring you good luck.
Thank you, dear.
What are you doing?
l'm going for business.

Red is a lucky colour.
Bullshit! l'm going now.
Watch out, my dear! l'll wait for you.
Fong is lucky to be sent on a mission.
You're back so soon?
You're brought the horse, too?
Okay, go and find the toilet yourself.
lt's over there.
What brings you here?
Where's Sai Yuk? Where's he?
- He's on a mission.
- Mission?

l've his favourite soup here.
He must drink it to revive his energy.

You've brought his favourite soup?

- Yes!
- Let me see.

You didn't even spill a single drop.
Great martial arts skill!

Watch out! Let's find a hiding spot.
What's the hurry?
What're you looking at?

What're you looking at?
l'm watching the birds.
Our partner is over there.
