Fong Shi Yu II: Wan fu mo di

Stop! She's Tingting!
Look at me!
My dear, what's up?
l wouldn't have known
if l didn't follow you.

Fong Sai Yuk, l detest you!
Listen to me. l am doing this for...
l'm not listening!
l'm doing this for my country!
- l'm not listening!
- You want me to achieve something?

You want to discontinue my family line?
You look for it yourself.
My dear!
Watch out, my dear!
lt's none of your business!
You must believe me.
l don't believe you anymore.
Who is she?
- She's her!
- Let me tell you.

l'm his wife.
lt's just that
we still haven't had our wedding.

l don't mind that.
But l do!
Stop fighting!
Dare you seduce my husband?
l didn't. lt's mutual attraction.
Save me some face, will you?
Let's talk!
lt's none of your business!
Do you think l'm a jerk?
She's so rude!
You must prefer me to her, right?
Tell her how effeminate and tender l am!
What on earth is this!
He's my lover!
He's my husband!
No more stupid disputes!
Son, what happened?
Mom, separate them for me.
- One for each.
- Okay, stop!

Tingting, get up! Don't fight anymore.
Listen to me.
Sai Yuk is doing this for the country...
Please be understanding.
Even so, there's no need
to sell one's body.

l know. l guarantee that
he won't sell his body next time.

Okay, l'll be No. 1, you'll be No. 2.
Why do l have to be junior?
- Let me go!
- Honey!
