
Hold your position.
Put your hands over your head.

You are under arrest.
I did a feature on this pIace.
It's enormous.

- Like your mouth.
- It's got no windows.

Attention, prisoners.
You are entering the Fortress.
A private maximum-security prison
run by the Men-Tel Corporation.

I onIy bounced a coupIe of cheques
and they give me maximum security.

lt's located in a secluded desert.
No life can survive here.
Escape is impossible.

- 60 days I've got to do.
- That's short-term, man.

- You're onIy taking a nap.
- I never nap.

- What did they get you for?
- My wife was pregnant again.

One wasn't enough?
- He died at birth.
- Didn't they tie her tubes?

They said they did.
I guess we got Iucky.

- Lucky? What did they give you?
- 31 years.

- Why the fuck are you smiIing?
- She got away.

This is a complete security
environment. Crime does not pay.

It's 30 stories high.
How can it be invisibIe?

CaIm down.
Take a deep breath.

- Forget him. He's dead.
- He's just scared, okay?
