Geronimo: An American Legend

...will result in confinement in an Army
prison stockade.

He want to know why these rules.
Why they be punished?
What you care if Apache drink?
Soldier drink.

Nantan Lupan says
if Apache drink, Apache fight.

Apache get into trouble.
It's bad for everyone.
It's bad for the Apache,
it's bad for soldiers...

...bad for all the White-Eyes.
Say, why, if some Apache do bad things,
all are punished?

That will not happen.
All Apache should not be punished
for the mistakes of only a few.

We will determine who is responsible
and only those few will be punished.

Six weeks after I took up residence
at Turkey Creek, Lieutenant Gatewood...

...and AI Sieber came to visit.
Sieber, as Chief of Scouts, was in charge
of recruiting Apache for the Army.

Hello there, Mangas.
Just the fellow I want to see.
