Hard Target

We got 12 positions this morning,
Able Seaman or better.

When l call your name, come into
the office, show your papers,

and you'll get your ship.
Here we go. First man,
Gombas, Luigi. Able Seaman.

- Right here.
- Walker, Steven. Second Engineer.

- Hi.
- Leslie, Francis R.

- They told me at the cafe
that you might be down here.
- Seeler, D. Master.

l need to talk to you
about something.

- l don't think this is a good time now.
- Walters, Nichols D.

- Yeah.
- Able Seaman.

How'd you, um,
like to work for me ?

- l'll pay you $100 a day.
- Third Mate. Stevens, Frank G.

- For doing what ?
- For $100, does it really matter ?

Actually, it does.
Yeah. lt does.
Look, l really need you
to help me find someone.

Jales, Bill. Cook.
You know this city, you obviously
can take care of yourself.

Boudreaux, C. Able Seaman.
l would like to
help you, darling.

- Looks like l'm gonna be out of town.
- Bakelman, Fats.

- Way out of town.
- Able Seaman.

Thought you got blackballed...

about that thing with,
uh, Captain McDonald.

- That was a big misunderstanding.
- Right.

Broke his damn jaw
is what l heard.

You make sure l said
a big ''hello.''

Whoa. Wait a minute.
Johnson says
l was reinstated.

With the company.
Not with the union.

You owe some dues here,

- 217 bucks.
- l'll pay that off on this cruise.

No. Nobody ships out if they're
in arrears, you know that.

- How am l gonna pay my dues
if l can't get the job ?
- l don't make the rules, mate.

Look, your ride doesn't sail
'til the end of the week.
