Hsimeng jensheng

He had always been nice to me.
He took a look at grandmother then
took a look at me and said...

He said, "We could just sit here...
staring at her
until this time next year...

but she would still be the same."
I said, "How come?"
He said, "If you wait out the year,
then she will immediately die."

Shit! What a thing to say.
He said, "Lucky for you, you
were born under the Kwai Star.

If you weren't...
your grandmother
would have caused your death."

It so happened on...
October 31 of that year...
on the day that theJapanese call
the Emperor's Day...

theJapanese police chief
asked us to perform...

at the precinct
in honor of the Emperor's birthday.

I traveled to the precinct...
to find the chief waiting there
for me.

He said, "Li...
do you have a grandmother?"
I said, "Yes."
"She died."
You figure it out.
"I stay home, she doesn't die."
I go to Chinkei,
she dies immediately.

I told the chief,
"My grandmother has died...

so I have to go home
to take care of things."

He said, "What? If you go home,
who performs?"

I said, "But who will take care
of my grandmother?"

He said, "Go. Get Ko Onglai.
Go get Ko Onglai
to take care of things."

So I asked Onglai to go back
to take care of things.

By the time I got home,
after the performance...

her body was stiff.
It was well after midnight when
I started cooking rice for offerings.

Then, slowly, I straightened out
her stiff body, still lying on the bed.

I thought, "It's so late...
let's wait till dawn
to worry about the funeral."
