Indecent Proposal

But may I say how brilliant it is
to see so many with an interest...

in the preservation
of endangered species.

Every year we have this unique way
of making money for the cause.

We auction animals.
We bid as high as possible...
and the money goes to sponsor
these lovely beasts.

Let's start with a bang.
We've got a superstar
as a first animal.

Ladies and gentlemen, the hippo.
The animal itself is far too big
and angry to bring along.

Look at this guy.
Thousands and thousands of pounds
of aggressive, hostile cellulite.

Weighs slightly less
than the average school bus.

Look at that magnificent beastie.
To put him in a better light, to
relieve you of some serious money...

Thank you very much.
We have a kissy-kissy picture.
Isn't that nice?
Ladies and gentlemen, I couldn't
even dream of starting the bid...

below $ 10,000.
- Now, I know it's a lot of money...
- Thirty.

Thirty thousand dollars,
ladies and gentlemen!

Call me a sentimental old fool.
Do I hear 35?
- Thirty-five.
- Thirty-five thousand dollars!

- Forty.
- Forty thousand dollars!

- Forty-five thousand.
- Forty-five thousand!

- Fifty.
- Fifty thousand dollars!

I can't believe it.
That's extraordinary.

Fifty thousand once.
Fifty thousand twice,
ladies and gentlemen.

One million dollars.
- Wow.
- Who is he?

I'm sorry?
One million dollars.
Did you say
one million dollars, sir?

Ladies and gentlemen,
one million dollars!

Goodness! Would anybody care to
top that, ladies and gentlemen?

I didn't think so.
In that case, sir, I believe
you're the proud owner of a hippo.
