La Ardilla roja

A plane. l want to get it
passing overhead.

Eli, l'm crazy about youl
Let's go on a trlp.

What would you like me to do to you?
l'd like you to...
...grope me from behind...
:51:46 far as you can, and forwards.
And to lift me off the ground.
Squeeze my nipples with

...or better still, with yourteeth.
l like it when you
strlp me off slowly.

Then l climb on top of you...
...and squeeze you hard
betwee n my legs.

So you won't get away.
How can you remember?
l don't remember.
But l can feel it here,
in my throat.

What would make you
scream with pleasure?

What drives me crazy
is you biting me.

Not too hard.
Not too gently.
l want you to bite me all over.
l want you to bite me all over.
