La Estrategia del caracol

How should I know?
I have no idea.
We'll see.
Come on! Get that stuff out of here!
Faster! Keep moving!
Stand by to record.
Ready. Rolling.
This is a special report by José Antonio
Samper Pupo for the 7-o'clock news.
Sir. - Yes?
Can you tell us what's going on here?
What's going on? These assholes
are throwing us in the street...
Sir, let me explain.
My friend is a little too confused
to explain what's happening to us.
The situation is critical for us.
I've had experience with television
and with evictions.
Another take, with the background.
Ready. Rolling.
This is a special report by José Antonio
Samper Pupo for the 7-o'clock news.
Can you tell us what's going on here?
What's happening here, as in all evictions
that leave people grieving and homeless,
is the result of two causes.
First : the injustice ofjustice.
Second : the lack of a strategy
on the part of the tenants.
I beg your pardon?
As I said, the lack of a strategy.
Do you know who I am?
I'm the famous Gustavo Calle Isasa
who took part in the legendary eviction
of the Casa Uribe. A brilliant feat that
did not receive the recognition it

If you know the story, you'll agree.
Casa Uribe was next to an apartment house
called La Pajarera, the birdhouse.
According to the available documents
these two buildings contained
48 rooms, 2 water tanks, 6 bathrooms,
5 courtyards, 84 windows,
41 doors, 1260 meters of wood
