La Estrategia del caracol

this property, is gravely ill,
and would be in acute
danger of dying if he is evicted.
Judge Diaz, the name.
Name, I.D. number and place of birth.
Lázaro Eccehomo Mora Blanco,
I.D. no. 7435,
born in Filandia.
In Finland? A foreigner?
Quindio, Colombia.
The appeal is legitimate
and will be verified.
The owner's attorney
is familiar with this ruse.
Put that on record. The plaintiff's
counsel has accused an ill citizen of
trickery. Verify the case yourself,
Your Honor, or appoint
a qualified physician. Please.
Does he live here?
You can see for yourself.
I'll pay hospital costs if he leaves.
Does his wife agree?
No, Your Honor. We have
lived here ever since we were married.
He wants to die here in peace.
My hands are tied.
All right, Senor Romero.
Your appeal is upheld.
The eviction is postponed.
I'll put him on. One moment.
Victor Honorio Mosquera.
Put him through.
The evistion is unfortunately postponed.
