La Estrategia del caracol

Who'll get this house?
Dr. Holguin.
So she appeared to Dr. Holguin.
Certainly not!
Thank You!
Thank You, Mother of God.
Comfort to the sad of heart.
I impose two conditions:
1 . The Virgin leaves the house first.
So be it!
We agree to use Jacinto's invention
and thus commit ourselves
to serve the Holy Virgin.
I'd even commit myself
to serve the devil.
With all due respect to rank, of course.
Dona Trina's decision
inspired the indifferent,
encouraged the fearful
and decided the undecided.
And so the strategy took shape.
"Everyone must participate," said Jacinto.
He organized them into teams, brigades,
and committees, even for food.
And this movement of planks, scaffolding,
pickaxes, spades was a veritable symphony!
People rushed back and forth.
Even the pessimists forgot the darkness
in their hearts and the strategy glowed
with their enthusiasm and love.
A true strategy!
Attach it well.
