Last Action Hero

Jack, did you see that?
I was just in a real police station.
And this is much nicer.

Slater, it is your ex-wife
on line two!

You stay.
She is always calling me.

Hello, sweetheart.
It is nice to hear your voice.

- Oiler! You team up with Waterman.
- Give me a partner, Sarge.

That is right.
Of course.
No, just as you said.

You team up with the rabbi.

- How do you get to Carnegie Hall?
- Practice!

John Practice, you S.O.B.
Why are you not in Washington?

The Bureau thinks there is
something going on between...

Vivaldi is joining forces
with Torelli.

- How do you do that?
- I do not sit around eating donuts.

Those are government donuts.
I have to call D.C.

Good for you.
Watch it, Jack.
He killed Mozart.

- In a movie?
- "Amadeus". It won 8 Oscars!

I saved him in 'Nam,
so I will be on the lookout.

Now, no more movies.
