Last Action Hero

- You always say that.
- I do?

Everybody waits for you to say it.
It is like your calling card.

You are interested in
drug dealers?

Jack, that is the henchman
with the glass eye.

- Are you a henchman?
- No, I only go as far as lackey.

- Anything else?
- Take off your sunglasses.

- Who is asking?
- The Tin Man.

- I suggest you hit the bricks.
- No. They are the wrong colour.

Oh, dear. Let us change them.
Would arterial red suit you?

Make no mistake.
They are very well trained.

I snap my fingers again and tomorrow
you emerge from several canine rectum.

Or you and Toto can go back to Oz.

Yes. Two of them.
Why am I wasting time on
a putz like you -

- when I could be doing something
dangerous like rearranging my socks?

And how will you snap your fingers
after I rip off both your thumbs?

Have a nice day.
He had one with a bull's-eye earlier.
He calls his boss a Sicilian schmuck.
