Loaded Weapon 1

Take care, babe.
Next time, instead of just
smoking cigarettes in bed...

do you think
we could actually make love?

Yeah, maybe.
Colt, please.
l want you.

l'm burning for you.
l'm on fire.

And l'm late.
lt'll only take a minute.
Who told you that?
Colt, please.
Don't you find me desirable?
But l got a partner to warn.
Stick 'em up, sailor!
Get your hands off me!
You crazy?
Not that one.

What the hell
are you doing here?

l'm saving your life.
Look, it's always the green one.
Yeah, but--but
that one's orange.

Who asked you anyway?
Hey, hey, hey, Colt.
Did you see "Hot Shots"?
Ahem. Not that l'm drawing
any parallels here...

but don't you think
it's kind of coincidence...

you know, it's kind of weird...
that you're doing this,
and in "Hot Shots"--

All right, Becker, that's it.
This one's got your name
written all over it!
