Mad Dog and Glory

Hey, Mad Dog,
you know what I want for Christmas?

Sixteen vestal virgins.
Fix your collar.
That head-in-the-garbage-can job
last night?

I told the coroner:
"Just bring a bowling ball bag."

Mad Dog, I tell you this,
'cause your partneris brain dead.

Get me some Twinkies.
There should be a store open
a couple blocks from the scene.

It's 2:00 a.m., you fat fuck.
Twinkies. And a banana for this monkey.
A green one.
Hey, Mad Dog.
I got some sandwiches over here.
Just your basic dead shitskin.
Nobody's beenin the car, right?
It's nice and cherry?

Brother, you fucked up.
The doer might bein the crowd.
Can you get me a group portrait?

Yeah. Let's do the street.
From the blood on the window...
...l'd say your victim got whacked here.
And your shooter was sitting
in the front passenger seat there.

Got a lot of bloodin the door well...
