Mad Dog and Glory

"I hear your name and I'm aflame
"Flame, burnin' desire
"That only your kiss
"Put out the fiire"
That's the first time
I've pulled out my gunin 15 years.

And I pissed on myself.
You know why?
Because you're a sensitive,

You ever piss on yourself?
I'd have walkedin
and drilled the red-eyed bastard.

That's just the way I am.
Butif I had anintelligent thought,
it would die of loneliness...

...soit all evens out.
You know what I mean?

Let me tell you somethin'.
Next time that happens,
you're that scared...

...the best thingis sex.
You're all adrenalized,
you'll go off like a rocket.

Give me a break, will you?
If I was you last night,
I would have called...

...every broad I knew
who wasn't related to me by blood.

Wayne. On me.
No. Just a pinchin here.
Thanks, Tom.
They get the guy?
They know who heis.
He ain't goin' nowhere. They never do.

Now here's a guy
with one abiding principlein his life.

To always refuse to testify...
...on the grounds thatit may
tend toincriminate him.

Chivas and milk.
Put that on my tab, Tommy.
