Mr. Jones

Next time you're in trouble,
don't ask for me. I'm a busy person.

I didn't expect you'd be a bad loser.
We're not competing.
What is going on here?
I was fighting for freedom in there.
I don't know what you're in this for.

Tell me something. Do you crash?
Do you get suicidal?
Do you?
How can I get suicidal?
I have my little friends here. Lithium.

Four a day, every day...
keeps those highs and lows away.
If you take them.
Elizabeth. Elizabeth, wait a second.
I'd be happy to make an appointment
with you if you want.

I'm worried about you.
Something happened.

- Good-bye.
- Is it your ex?

Take your medicine, pay your taxes....
Is his girlfriend pregnant?
She's not pregnant.
You know nothing about me.

Is it the yuppie doctor?
Is he hitting on you?

I don't know how I shall put this. Shut up!
I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.
What are you doing?
I don't live very far from here.
I thought maybe you could give me a ride.

I'm a psychiatrist. If you have
a psychiatric problem, call me.

If you have a transportation problem,
you call a cab, okay?

I guess maybe I do have a problem.
I don't have any money.
