Mr. Jones

Okay, just be gentle, all right?
That's right. Yeah. Just let it out.
Just let it come up somehow. It's in here?
It's in there? Just let it out.

Mr. Jones? What are you being?
An erection.
I have no memory.
You can't remember anything?
What happens when
you can't remember anything?

I can't stop. It makes me....
Very good.
Mr. Jones, how about you?
Don't you want to paint something?

This is your opportunity
to really express yourself.

Tell me about the first time
you got into trouble.

Now I will tell you the first time...
l got into trouble.
I was working in a construction crew,
building tract houses.

And I was a pretty tough guy
and I was getting into things...

with guys, and no one was gonna
mess with me 'cause I was very tough.

I was a tough guy.
I am a very, very tough guy.

At the same time, I was also like going out
with a really groovy girl named Ellen.

And, Ellen went and died, you know.
And then I did things that weren't good.
And I broke things and hit people and stuff.
Then they took me tojail, right?
So they took me tojail...
